Thornebrooke Elementary School | 601 Thornebrooke Dr, Ocoee, FL 34761

Group 1: 6-11 year old
Group 2: 12-17 year old
Group 3: 18-25 year old
Camp hours are: 9:00am – 3:00pm. No early drop off or late pickup.


  1. Week 1: June 2-5. 2025
  2. Week 2: June 9-12. 2025
  3. Week 3: June 16-19. 2025
  4. Week 4: June 23-26. 2025

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: please make sure you read all details before starting the application process for Camp Two Can 2025.


Deposits are due with the Enrollment Application. Deposits are $50 per week  you register your child for. Each week for 4 days (Monday- Thursday) is $275. This fee includes: venue rental, staff, admissions, arts/crafts, snacks and lunches on certain field trip days. Additional fees would be needed for snacks at movies and gifts at outing if you wish. Camp Two Can is heavily subsidized by PALS for every camper per week.

In 2025 you will have option to pay just deposits up front or the full week balance.


If your application is received after the maximum number of available camp slots are filled – you will be placed on a waiting list for camp.  You will be notified the week prior if a slot becomes available for your camper to participate in Camp Two-Can. If a slot does not become available your deposit will be returned in full.  No refunds will be made if you seek to cancel within 2 weeks of a camp week starting. No exceptions. All cancellations must be in writing and written three weeks or more before the camp week starting, by email or postmarked mail(Please note that it may take 4-6 weeks for a refund check to be processed) This includes non-attendance due to illness of camper or personal family situations.  A one-time $30.00 Processing Fee will be deducted from any cancellation accepted by Camp TWO-CAN.


Dismissal from camp may occur for any camper if the camp staff and individuals UCF CARD Coordinator, after conducting a functional assessment and providing behavior strategies, determines that the camper ratio cannot support the safety of the camper or group.  Please note the staffing ratio is not designed for campers who need full-time one-on-one assistance or who have significant behaviors such as self-injury, aggression, elopement, safety, etc. If a camper is dismissed, fees paid will be refunded, minus the deposit(s)/and or costs per day that camper was in camp.


Transportation will not be provided for daily pick-up and drop off to the camp.  Transportation is provided for outings/weekly field trips via buses from contracted with Orange County Public Schools.  The cost is included in the weekly camp fee.


Activities for all campers will consist of:  Arts & Crafts, Music & Movement, Cleaning, General Play Activities, Outdoor games/activities, Swimming, Movies at the theatre and Weekly Field Trips.  All costs for activities are included in your camp fee.


Closed-toed shoes, preferably sneakers, are to be always worn, except during water activities.  Please do not send campers to camp wearing flip-flops, sandals, or barefoot.  Campers should bring sunscreen, insect repellent, a towel, a change of clothes, lunch, and snacks.   If your camper cannot swim, please send a Coast Guard approved life jacket.  Please label everything that is brought to Camp with your camper’s name.  We cannot be responsible for items that are not labeled or are lost.  Some campers may need to bring an extra change of clothes each day.  Camp Two Can T-shirts need to be worn on field trips.


Campers must not bring the following items to camp: glass containers, pets, personal toys, cell phones, iPods, iPads (unless it is a communication device), electronic games, or weapons of any kind.


A Lost and Found area will be provided for items left at camp at the end of each day.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charitable organizations if not claimed one week after camp ends.


Any camper requiring medication to be administered at camp must complete a Medication Release Form.  Medication will not be administered to a camper without this signed form.  Medication must arrive in its original container with a valid expiration date, dosage directions, and prescribing physician’s name.


While we realize families may pursue a variety of medical and/or biological treatments, as well as medication changes, camp is not a good time to try new treatments/medications. Based on our previous experience, Camp Two Can cannot support campers who are in active biomedical treatments and/or undergoing medical trials; such as chelation, IVIG, NAET, etc.   We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.


  • Each camper needs lunch, a snack and beverages packed every day.
  • All food must be non-refrigerated food.
    • *Food will be stored indoors, but you may want to supplement with an ice pack.
  • No microwaveable food items.
  • Pack utensils.
  • Please provide plenty of liquids for your camper to stay hydrated.
  • Parents will be notified in advance of any field trips where lunch or snack will be provided.

AGE GROUPS- we are attempting to have 3 age groups. If we do not have enough individuals for age groups, we may have to mix age groups and minors will be with adults. Waivers will be required if this happens.


Below is setp 1 of the camper’s application and payment.  No application is complete until notarized forms are received.  You may download notarized forms HERE.

Notarized forms must be returned to:

[email protected] or faxed to 407-823-6012 or mailed to PALS. PO Box 781458. Orlando. FL 32878-1458.


Parents: please look through all that is needed before filling out. Most answers are required. If you do not have an answer write NA. If you do not do this you cannot complete this application. You can save it and come back to finish it. PLEASE DO NOT START ANOTHER ONE. SAVE YOUR APPLICATION AND LOG BACK INTO IT. SECTION 1: Camper Information

Add Text and Images to Your Form With Ease

To get started, replace this text with your own.

People Besides Parents/Guardians Permitted for Pickup

Getting to Know the Camper

This section truly helps the staff get to know your child faster and helps your child feel comfortable.  Provide as much detail as you can. We wish it to be a summer filled with happiness for all.


In order for our experienced staff to safely support and manage campers at camp and in the community, all of camper’s current or potential behaviors that may adversely affect him/her or others, must be identified.

PLEASE NOTE: Campers must be able to be managed in a 1:4 staff to camper ratio and manageable in a group setting of 10-20 campers (i.e. field trips).

Behaviors: List any behaviors that may occur at camp. Include a copy of camper’s IEP if in school and individual behavior plan (if applicable) with the completed application form. The camper’s CARD Autism Disorder Specialist (ADS) may be requested to observe camper in group environments to assure camper meets eligibility criteria.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


Emergency Contacts (besides parent/guardians)

Medical Insurance Information

Medical Background

All medications camper is taking MUST be listed even if they are not administered during camp hours. If given during camp hours, please complete and sign the Medication Release in this packet


Parent/Guardian Information

Week Selection & Payment


Each week per camper is $275.00. Camp includes all fees except additional snacks at movies and or gifts at outings. All transportation, venue, staff, crafts, games, lunches (on days included) are included in weekly fee.  We are proud to say that Camp Two Can is heavily subsized for every camper Deposits are due at the time of application. Balances are due prior to week beginning.
